To enter the monthly giveaway click here: Giveaway Link

Multiple winners will be chosen at the 1st of every month.

I made this site because a group of people created a website called In summary it was a bunch of adults complaining about how conceptually it would hurt Eve online if CCP(the developers of said game) would offer ships to players via a monetary purchase. According to eveblackout members it would hurt the game if ships could be "produced" in any other way besides the eve online production system. They claim it would set a precedent that ANY ships could be monetized by CCP in this way. This is true. Any ship could be printed into the game using this method by CCP. However, after examining the situation, I came to my own conclusion. These eveblackout members are not mad that CCP could print new ships for money. NO. They are mad because it takes away from their own isk(in game currency) pockets. Many of these members rely on the market to produce and then sell items as a way to make isk. With the new ship changes also came a new way to make isk. By producing and selling the ships that were made more valuable by said changes. They aren't mad that CCP is monetizing their gameplay. They are mad simply because for a few days they were losing in game currency to the corporation that founded the whole game.

I don't use this game to make money whether it be in-game or out of game. I use this game to have fun and to burn through as much real and in-game currency as possible. So it really grinds my gears to see controversial things made up just for the sake of profit. Whether it be in-game or the real world.

My logic is sound. My solution - elegant. Don't be bogged down by false rhetoric.

This site will never go away and neither will the giveaways.

Join the light.

-Lazar Us (CoachSubway)